June 9, 2021

Girl is Presence
Screening dates are 14.08 (19:45) Garage Screen, 15.08 (00:30) and 15.08 (14:00) Illyuzion cinema.
Country: USA
Year: 2021
Duration: 4 minutes
English language
Format: DCP
Age limit: 18+
Lynne Sachs and her daughter Noah co-created this film with poet Anne Leslie Selcer during the 2020 pandemic. In a shaky and unsettling homely atmosphere, Noah’s heroine tirelessly arranges and rearranges a collection of small mysterious objects that illustrate the poem that sounds off-screen. It was based on a disharmonious list of nouns borrowed by Selser from Georges Bataille’s essay “The Solar Anus.” The set of actions that the girl performs is reminiscent of a ritual and resonates with the tone of a poem devoted to the problems of representation, power and gender.
International Competition
We are happy to announce the International Competition programme of the 6th Moscow International Experimental Film Festival. It includes 29 works by filmmakers and artists from all over the world. Many among them try to look with new eyes at the places humans inhabit, while employing different methods of working with memory, history, and heritage. The others are focused on practices of care, survival, and accepting death, on new forms of human coexistence and resistance to colonial regimes, on various effects produced by the digital environment, as well as on relationships between humans, technologies, and nature. All these themes have become increasingly important during the COVID-19 pandemic. Soon we will tell you more about these films, announce this year’s Russian competition and unveil special curatorial programs.
80,000 Years Old, Christelle Lheureux
All of Your Stars Are but Dust on My Shoes, Haig Aivazian
Autotrofia, Anton Vidokle
The Bearers of Memories, Miglė Križinauskaitė-Bernotienė
Before the Collapse of Mont Blanc, Jacques Perconte
Blastogenesis X, Conrad Veit and Charlotte Maria Kätzl
The City Bridges Are Open Again, Masha Godovannaya
earthearthearth, Daïchi Saïto
Failed Emptiness. Time, Mika Taanila
Girl Is Presence, Lynne Sachs and Anne Lesley Selcer
Glittering Barbieblood, Ulu Braun
Green Thoughts, William Hong-xiao Wei
The Home My Mother Never Found, Mehdi Jahan
In Ictu Oculi, Jorge Moneo Quintana
Letter to a Turtledove, Dana Kavelina
Letters about the End of the World, Dina Karaman
Maat Means Land, Fox Maxy
No One Cried, Daniel Jacoby
One Hundred Steps, Bárbara Wagner and Benjamin de Burca
One Thousand and One Attempts to Be an Ocean, Wang Yuyan
Sensory Overload, Ganza Moise
Sol de Campinas, Jessica Sarah Rinland
Songs for Dying, Korakrit Arunanondchai
Tellurian Drama, Riar Rizaldi
Tonalli, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos
Tracing Utopia, Nick Tyson and Catarina de Sousa
Transparent, I am, Yuri Muraoka
A Very Long Exposure Time, Chloé Galibert-Laîné
We’ll Find You When the Sun Goes Black, Anouk De Clercq
Nathaniel Dorksy at MIEFF
The works of American avant-gardist Nathaniel Dorsky will be shown for the first time as part of the annual Close-up section of the MIEFF Moscow International Experimental Film Festival in Russia
MIEFF is a platform for everyone who creates, takes interest in or otherwise engages with the moving images. Our main goal is to support Russian artists and introduce them to the international community, as well as help experimental cinema reach a wider audience.
We want to create spaces for dialogue and therefore we believe it important to enrich the intellectual context surrounding film and contemporary art instead of reducing it to univocal ideologies. This is achieved through a carefully curated program of screenings, public and educational events, where different viewpoints and voices are all welcome.
We also understand that if we want to be in tune with the ever-changing reality, we need to keep experimenting. Experiment for us is a method and not an empty label. We want to try different ways to organize horizontal teamwork, distribute responsibilities, and finance our whole endeavour. We want to find new opportunities for ethical partnerships and transparent communication with each other—and everyone who participates in the life of our festival.
At the moment, the festival structure includes international competition, Russian competition, retrospective section Close-Up, special screenings, curatorial multimedia block as well as an interdisciplinary educational programme called Extracurricular Practices.
MIEFF was founded in 2016 by Vladimir Nadein and Ekaterina Shitova. Now it operates as an independent non-commercial organization and is managed by the board, which includes (listed in the alphabetical order): Kristina Efremenko, Dmitry Frolov, Mariam Ismailova, Sophia Ismailova, Marianna Kruchinski, Anna Naumova, Kirill Rozhentsov, and Margarita Sokolovskaya.
You can reach us at info@mieff.com