Dallas Video Festival interview with Lynne Sachs – 2011

“The wonderful thing about NYC is that you can experience so many different kinds of environments. This uncharacteristically sunny November afternoon I catch up with Lynne Sachs, who has had work screened at the last two VideoFest. I compliment her on her beautiful website and we talk about the use of text and media and history in her work.” Raquel Chapa, Ass. Dir. Dallas Video Festival

“Eye as Mediator” Essay by G. Cherichello on “The Last Happy Day” by Lynne Sachs

The eye as a mediator is only able to focus on one thing at a time, with everything around that point of focus being lost to obscurity; this forces a piecemeal understanding of one’s environment. The filmic eye in The Last Happy Day, too, is an obscuring and complicating force, which helps to form the film’s language. Sachs manipulates her camera very deliberately, employing the difference between sharp-focus and soft-focus.

Blogcritic DVD Review: The Last Happy Day

In an interview with Otherzine experimental fil maker, Lynne Sachs talks about realizing “that there was a pattern emerging in my work, a rhythm between films that were open to changes brought by the times and films that followed a very clearly defined vision or concept. ” Later in the interview she relates what she is trying to do in her films to the avant garde poet, Gertrude Stein’s desire to “create provocative ruptures between the sign and the signifier, between the way we are taught to speak (to communicate) and the way we ultimately choose to express ourselves (art).”

“Hibridez en la manipulación de material audiovisual en la obra de Lynne Sachs”

En 1991, realiza una conexión entre sus lecturas teóricas y su práctica artística. Tanto los revolucionarios textos de pensadoras feministas francesas del siglo pasado como un nuevo estilo narrativo en la propia escritura de Sachs despiertan en ella la necesidad de bucear en un nuevo nivel de conciencia de su ser y como conclusión desarrolla un lenguaje cinematográfico muy personal que combina una aguda critica, collages, found footage, metáforas y performances que lleva el título de “House of science: a museum of false facts”.

Otherzine Interview w/ L. Sachs by Molly Hankwitz

In my twenty year relationship as audience to Lynne Sachs’ filmworks, I have always admired her amazing ability to connect the very personal, physical relationship of ‘selfhood’ to film and film history and to collage a variety of complex themes into one complete film, often with challenging ambiguity and open endedness.