Thoughts on Jonas Mekas

Jonas Mekas died yesterday, but with this close to a full, feisty and mostly extraordinarily fun life, he leaves us all with so much. From an early age, Jonas came to understand that living the life of an artist to the very fullest meant that you were expected to create something that would last beyond your last breath. Before anyone was really using the word “community”, Jonas was building a formidable infrastructure that would be the very foundation for the survival of the personal cinema he loved so dearly.

“On Writing the Film Essay” by Lynne Sachs

I feel a closeness to writers, poets and painters, much more than to traditional film directors. For one thing, we ciné experimenters are not bound by the plot-driven mechanics of cause and effect that, for me, often bring the transcendent experience of watching a movie to a grinding halt.

Jury Prize and Workshop at Festival Curtas Belo Horizante, Brazil

“Carolee, Barbara and Gunvor” creates a path that moves from the gesture of an initial encounter to an aesthetic manifestation — through the manipulation of images, textures and movements. In this way, the film presents a different kind of documentary, bringing to the forefront a human landscape that opens up through intimate contact between the director and three women pioneers in the history of experimental film.

Tran Trang’s Blindness Series: My Letter to Helene Cixous

Dear Helene, …I begin by conveying to you the shock of what I have witnessed. These words are a translation of the visual experiences I had last night an early this morning. My words will be absolute, nothing left to interpretation. From my lash to your lobe.

Cinema of Resistance Collection of Films

Hello fellow documentartians, We are gathering CINEMA OF RESISTANCE videos from all over the US/ World beginning with the historical Jan. 21, 2017 Women’s March.