Tuesday, December 19, 2023 18:00
The program is carried out in cooperation with the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Rijeka, Croatia.
Entrance is free.
Kino umjetnica (Cinema artist) is a complementary film and video program conceived as a side program to The Visible Ones exhibition, which will be realized from December 15, 2023 to February 6, 2024 at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, as a project of inter-museum collaboration between five museums (MSU Zagreb, MMSU Rijeka , Art Gallery Split, Art Gallery Dubrovnik, Museum of Fine Arts Osijek). The exhibition presents an overview of the recent work of female artists, in order to raise awareness of the need for equal visibility and representation of female artists in museum collections and exhibition programs. The production of female authors covers a wide range of topics and sensibilities and represents more than ninety female authors, and is the result of research into the representation of female artists in the art collections of museum institutions. At the same time, it presents certain aspects and mapping of the contemporary artistic practice of female authors in Croatia.
The Kino umjenica screening program is performed in the form of a dislocated dispositif from the museum’s white cube into a cinema hall or black box, in order to further expand the context and direct the focus towards the rich and diverse audiovisual production of female artists, which is formed precisely in the intermediate space of contemporary art and film. It includes two programs Topographies, Spaces, Gaps (MMSU 16.12) and Woman in the Mirror (Art-kino 19.12).
As part of the Woman in the Mirror program, three films will be shown – The Cat is Always a Woman directed by Martina Meštrović, Carolee, Barbara & Gunvor by Lynne Sachs and Woman in the Mirror by Jagoda Kaloper.
Correspondence between Programmer Branka Bencic and Lynne:
“Dear Lynne,
hope you are well
I am getting back in touch since I would like to organize a screening and bring back together works
CAROLEE, BARBARA AND GUNVOR by Lynne and A Cat is Always Female by Martina Mestrovic and Tanja Vujasinovic along with a experimental documentary by Jagoda Kaloper Woman in a Mirror (2011, 47 min) It is 1 cinema screening. It would take place at Art Kino in Rijeka, Croatia on Dec 19th, 2023…
Jagoda Kaloper was an actress and visual artist working with Jugoslav directors such as Dusan Makavejev, starring in WR Mysteries of Organism, Krsto Papic etc… This is her autobiographic visual essay.
Branka Bencic”
“Hello Branka,
I am so glad that we were able to work out this screening plan for “Carolee, Barbara and Gunvor” to be included in your program Visible (visibility of woman artists in museum collections).
I have now read about Jagoda Kaloper. I have seen Makavejev’s WR but I was not aware of her name until you wrote to us. The first time that I saw WR was in San Francisco in the mid 1980s and Makavejev was there in the room. I remember timidly/ boldly (not sure which?) raising my hand to ask a question from the audience. He seemed to be offended by something I said, and I remember feeling a bit embarrassed and a bit proud, all mixed into one emotion. Anyway, if you have more info on Jagoda please send it along.
All the best, Lynne”
“Dear Lynne
As promised, I am sending you an essay I wrote in 2011 about Jagoda Kaloper’s film Woman in a Mirror, when the film was produced
Jagoda was an amazing woman, gentle, and full of stories, she took part in the student movement in 1968, hang out in the famous marxist summer school Praxis in the island of Korčula late 60s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Praxis_School#Kor%C4%8Dula_Summer_School
she was famous actress starring in Yugoslav cinema including Makavejev
also, she was a visual artist that imagined first land art pieces in Yugoslavia and Croatia and interventions in public space in early 70s and worked as a graphic designer
Best regards
Original Text in Croatian:
Kino umjetnica komplementaran je filmski i video program zamišljen kao popratni program uz izložbu Vidljive, koja se realizira od 15. prosinca 2023. do 6. veljače 2024. u Muzeju moderne i suvremene umjetnosti, kao projekt međumuzejske suradnje pet muzeja (MSU Zagreb, MMSU Rijeka, Galerija umjetnina Split, Umjetnička galerija Dubrovnik, Muzej likovnih umjetnosti Osijek). Izložba predstavlja pregled recentnog stvaralaštva umjetnica, kako bi se osvijestila nužnost za ravnopravnom vidljivošću i zastupljenošću umjetnica u muzejskim kolekcijama i izložbenim programima. Produkcija autorica obuhvaća širok raspon tema i senzibiliteta te predstavlja više od devedeset autorica, a plod je istraživanja zastupljenosti umjetnica u umjetničkim zbirkama muzejskih institucija. Ujedno predstavlja određene aspekte i mapiranje suvremene umjetničke prakse autorica u Hrvatskoj.
Program projekcija Kino umjetnica izvodi se u obliku dislociranog dispozitiva iz muzejske bijele kocke u kino dvoranu ili black box, kako bi dodatno proširio kontekst i usmjerio fokus prema bogatoj i raznolikoj audiovizualnoj produkciji umjetnica koja se formira upravo u međuprostoru suvremene umjetnosti i filma. Obuhvaća dva programa Topografije, prostori, praznine (MMSU 16. 12) i Žena u ogledalu (Art-kino 19. 12).
U sklopu progrma Žena u ogledalu prikazat će se tri filma – Mačka je uvijek ženska u režiji Martine Meštrović, Carolee, Barbara & Gunvor autorice Lynne Sachs te Žena u ogledalu Jagode Kaloper.