Poets of Queens Reading Series at Q.E.D. Astoria
Poets of Queens
July 5, 2022
Reading on October 16, 2022

Cynthia Andrews was born in Brooklyn, New York and raised in both Brooklyn and Queens. She is a former actress, dancer and singer, as well as a notable performance poet and veteran of the NYC poetry circuit. Her performance at The Nuyorican Poets Café was one of the first to be archived at Poet’s House. She has been published in various publications including ALOUD: Voices from the Nuyorican Poets Café, The Voice Literary Supplement, The 2020 Beat Poets Anthology, and Tribes Literary Journal, where she has also written film and book reviews. She is the author of two chapbooks: Saving Summer and Homeless (The New Press), and one poetry collection: A Little Before Twelve (Poets of Queens). She holds a Certificate of Language and Culture from Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, as well as a B.A. from Adelphi University and an MFA in Creative Writing from Brooklyn College.
Pauline Findlay is a poet, filmmaker of shorts (poetry in motion) and chef. Her new book Dysfunction: A Play On Words In the Familiar, released by Pink Trees Press is one that will walk you down a winding road to leave you to choose; the road of redemption or a dysfunctional circus. One of the original Silver Tongued Devils her work appears in their anthology as well as Brownstone Poets. She’s performed at Fahrenheit, Women of Color and Tree of Cups the Rimes Series. Findlay has judged poetry contests and collection of videos can be viewed on YouTube. Her method towards writing is simple, “I don’t write in things I don’t believe in.”
tova greene (they/them) is a non-binary, queer, jewish poet who recently graduated with a bachelor in liberal arts from sarah lawrence college in yonkers, new york. they were one of seven members of the class of 2022 to submit a senior thesis; at a whopping 375 pages, “the poetic is political” specialized in the intersection between twentieth century american poetry & feminist theory. as a part of this year-long endeavor, they created a chronological anthology of the american feminist poetry movement from 1963-1989 entitled who can tolerate the power of a woman (after “propaganda poem: maybe for some young mamas” by alicia ostriker). their debut collection lilac on the damned’s breath was published via bottlecap press in june of 2022. they are currently working on their second book of poetry, ohso. they are a two-time gryphon grant recipient & received the dean’s scholarship throughout their undergraduate education. after interning with the poetry society of new york from march to august of 2021, they were invited back as the program coordinator in may 2022. in this capacity, they are currently producing the new york city poetry festival. their work has been featured in eunoia review, midway journal, love & squalor, clickbait, soul talk magazine, & primavera zine. they currently live in manhattan with their partner & cat.
Emily Hockaday’s first full length book, Naming the Ghost, is out from Cornerstone Press September 2022. She is the author of five chapbooks, most recently the ecology-themed Beach Vocabulary from Red Bird Chaps. Her poems have appeared in a number of journals in print and online, and she can be found on the web at www.emilyhockaday.com. She tweets @E_Hockaday.
Ananda Lima is the author of Mother/land (Black Lawrence Press, 2021), winner of the Hudson Prize, and four chapbooks: Vigil (Get Fresh Books), Tropicália (Newfound, winner of the Newfound Prose Prize), Amblyopia (Bull City Press), and Translation (Paper Nautilus). Her work has appeared in The American Poetry Review, Poets.org, Kenyon Review Online, Gulf Coast, Colorado Review, Poet Lore, Poetry Northwest, Pleiades, The Hopkins Review, and elsewhere. She has been awarded the inaugural Work-In-Progress Fellowship by Latinx-in-Publishing, sponsored by Macmillan Publishers, for her fiction manuscript-in-progress. She has an MA in Linguistics from UCLA and an MFA in Creative Writing in Fiction from Rutgers University, Newark.
Since the 1980s, Lynne Sachs has created cinematic works that defy genre through the use of hybrid forms and collaboration, incorporating elements of the essay film, collage, performance, documentary and poetry. Her films explore the intricate relationship between personal observations and broader historical experiences. In 2019, Tender Buttons Press published her first book Year by Year Poems.
Please watch the January 17th PoQ reading here.
Please watch the March 14th PoQ reading here.
Please watch the May 16 PoQ reading here.
Poets of Queens creates a community for poetry in Queens and beyond.
Readings create a connection between a diverse group of poets and an audience. In 2020 an anthology of poetry by a group of twenty-five poets was published. This paved the way for Poets of Queens to start to publish individual collections to help poets connect to their community through their work. Connections are furthered when visual artists respond to poets and poets respond to visual artists as part of special projects. Poets also become mentors and teachers to fellow poets in all stages of their careers, strengthening community.